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Note: kubectl-eks is able to read region from aws credentials file, aws profile and environment variable, optionally you can pass it via --region flag. it is also able to read cluster name from the kubeconfig context, optionally you can pass it via --cluster flag or AWS_EKS_CLUSTER environment variable.

Creates Kubeconfig

kubectl eks kubeconfig --cluster your-cluster --region your-region --out

Updates existing Kubeconfig

  • fetch and update existing kubeconfig (~/.kube/config)
kubectl eks kubeconfig --cluster your-cluster --region your-region

List addons

kubectl eks addons --cluster your-cluster --region your-region

List serviceaccount with IRSA information from all namespaces

kubectl eks irsa

List serviceaccount with IRSA information from given namespace

kubectl eks irsa -n app-staging

List nodes but get more information

kubectl eks nodes

List nodegroups but get more information

kubectl eks nodegroups

Access to EKS node via SSM

kubectl eks ssm <name-of-the-node>

Note: above command will only work if node IAM role has predefined IAM policy AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy attached. Click here for more reference.

List fargate profiles

kubectl eks fargate --cluster your-cluster --region your-region

Suggest an AMI

kubectl eks suggest-ami